April 19, 2021
BOISE, Idaho
Online Forms a Case Study:
Health & Welfare Newborn Screening Kits
Did you know Idaho state law requires infants born in Idaho to be tested for a number of rare but treatable disorders using a dried blood spot specimen? Physicians, nurses, and midwives (‘providers’) who deliver or care for infants in hospitals, birth centers or homes are responsible for collection and handling of specimens for every infant in their care. Failure to test can have lifelong implications for the infant and the family.
The Idaho Newborn Screening Program allows these providers to order screening kits online through Access Idaho.
We are proud to play a part in protecting the health of Idaho’s next generation. Learn more about our online form services and the variety of solutions they can provide for your operations.

Please contact webmaster@accessidaho.org for more information.
E-Commerce Made Simple
If your agency web site is hosted with ITS in WordPress, we can help you create an online store for tracking orders, inventory and displaying goods or services you offer Idaho’s citizens and businesses.
For example, last fall we worked with the Idaho Department of Administration to deploy an online store to help with the distribution of non-medical and emergency masks, gloves and sanitizers (MGS) to qualified Idaho organizations. The efforts resulted in Idaho’s K-12 schools receiving more than $2.5 million of supplies through the program. The store enabled the distribution of MGS equipment to more than 62 agencies and political subdivisions statewide.

The State Treasurer’s Office deposited money in my account. Now what?
If you use Access Idaho for your payment processing, it’s now easier and faster to reconcile your deposit accounts. Released in 2021 as part of our Financial Eco system, your fiscal officer(s) has/have access to new ACH reports that sort programs, export services details and provide the granularity you need to quickly close the books at the end of the day, month or year.

The new easy to use web interface for your fiscal team will have all agency transactions in one place, simplifying the reconciliation of deposits whether from multiple online services or over-the-counter walk in traffic. For set up, detailed training or a tour of the service, please contact webmaster@accessidaho.org for more information.
What’s New in Egov Tools?
'I drove all the way here and there is no one who can help me?!’
To prevent this statement from being uttered in your office lobby, I encourage you to check out our TeleGov service.
As an outcome of the COVID pandemic, Idaho’s citizens are expecting government to use the same tools they relied on when interacting remotely with their doctors, delivery drivers and private industry in 2020. Tools like online scheduling of services and appointments are now an expectation of our citizens.

To meet this operational need, Access Idaho is providing public entities TeleGov. Now citizens can set up office appointments online and get connected with the correct staff the first time (by phone, video, or in person). In addition to making an appointment, the service helps the citizen keep their appointments by receiving automated reminders or allowing agency staff to push notifications by text or email to citizens.
Lean more about how to keep your office foot traffic at a safe and manageable level, or match up the right employee with the right citizen to improve service delivery, by contacting webmaster@accessidaho.org at Access Idaho.
Thank You
A year after the beginning of the pandemic, Access Idaho’s Boise-based team is still thriving and creating new award-winning ways to make it easier for Idaho citizens and businesses to interact with Idaho government more efficiently through online custom services, forms, emailed/texted payment links and much more.
Thank you for the opportunity to serve your e-government needs, because, every day I get up and think about how I can serve you and how my team can help your team continue to move forward and innovate new ways of serving citizens.
We Create Solutions
All services listed above are provided at no cost to you under the Access Idaho contract, the administrator of Idaho's official Web portal (Idaho.gov) and provider of electronic government solutions for the state. The manager for the portal is NIC Idaho, a subsidiary of NIC.Jeff Walker,
General Manager
We Create Solutions
Questions about any of the solutions we listed above or want to start working with us? Please contact us.