Vehicle Title Status Check
This application allows businesses, individuals, and government agents who meet the eligibility criteria set forth under Idaho Law, I.C. § 49-202,§ 49-203 and Administrative Rule No. 39.02.41, to perform real-time searches of the Idaho Transportation Department’s title and registration database.
Here You Can
- Look up the status of a title application that has recently been submitted
- See the print date of the last Idaho title issued for a vehicle if there is no title application in process
- Purchase a title record
You Will Need
- The VIN of the vehicle you are searching for
- A credit/debit card if you plan to purchase your record

Create an Idaho DMV Profile to see your customer profile and do business with ITD in one place! You can update your address, view license and vehicle status, and more.
- Only applications that have been recorded on the title system by either a county assessor's motor vehicle office or the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) are accessible.
- Titles are typically mailed the business day following the title issue date. If there is a lien holder recorded, the title or electronic title record will be sent directly to the lien holder, not to the titled owner.